Thursday, May 6, 2010

Facebook Addiction.

It all started with:

Then it continued with:

And it ended with:

Okay, perhaps I was a wee bit out of line.But he started it! *in that tiny baby voice that girls make that can drive you to whip out your belt and abuse them*

Facebook has become a platform for so many things now, backbiting, gossip, cyber bullying, dating, voyeurism etc. It truly is a social network, the pros and even the dark shallow cons that leer in the crevices of our society.

Well, I did more digging. And I discovered users express all sorts of emotions on this very popular site. So much honesty, a rollercoaster of flourishing teenage angst.

... And I can hear all of you thinking "No shit, Sherlock"

From jubilant happiness:

To terse bursts of anger:

From the sexually suggestive:

To the all inspiring:

From the ambiguous:
To the inappropriate:

From simple expressions of love:

To shameless bitching:

I love Facebook. Don't you?

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